Hi Guys
…another stack, ADMIX
Admix is a responsive stack that allows you to add a layer with CSS filters that will scroll over another layer.
This stack combines Blending-mode and CSS-filters.
Hi Guys
…another stack, ADMIX
Admix is a responsive stack that allows you to add a layer with CSS filters that will scroll over another layer.
This stack combines Blending-mode and CSS-filters.
New UPG 1.0.1 Available:
New UPG 1.0.2 Available:
Updated Animation Core to latest version of HypePro®
Updated Blendding JS library
Consolidated internal JS libraries ( Hype animation & Google Fonts)
2 New demos in demo project
New UPG 1.0.3 Available:
This is a technical update on performance, the code has been optimized and the stack is faster and more fluid even in “edit mode”
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