New stack “BOXED TITLES” with HypePro under the hood.
Demo online
Sliding Effects template that contains 4 smooth, minimal and dynamically animated full screen titles stylish looking. Sliding + ScaleBG + tilt.
All animations are designed exclusively for Stacks. This stack allows you to set more than one animations simultaneoursly. take a look.
@Fuellemann Jan thank you! this is the second stack where I use animation techniques that are usually used in the video editing Apps like “after effects” but in HTML and rendered in real time. Hype is fantastic for this purpose and offers tools similar to AE that run smoothly on all browsers.
Slight problem. On purchase the emails arrive. Download boxtitles.dmg. Unzip and it contains Hype Titles, not Box Titles. Confused the hell out of me for several minutes…
I updated 2o minutes ago Hypetitles and by mistake I updated the DMG of the latest stack. Now solved, now you can try both, I send you BoxedTitles, sorry for the inconvenience.
…I really need a holiday :) Sent PM