Stack "BoxedTitle" upgrade

New stack “BOXED TITLES” with HypePro under the hood.

stack_boxedtitles__preview_cover Demo online
Sliding Effects template that contains 4 smooth, minimal and dynamically animated full screen titles stylish looking. Sliding + ScaleBG + tilt.
All animations are designed exclusively for Stacks. This stack allows you to set more than one animations simultaneoursly. take a look.

stack_boxedtitles__preview_colalge_2 Some examples (demo project availabe with the stack)

And the “PREVIEW TOOLS” for checking the stack setting, viewports and breakpoints.



Instant purchase - way cool!

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@Fuellemann Jan thank you! this is the second stack where I use animation techniques that are usually used in the video editing Apps like “after effects” but in HTML and rendered in real time. Hype is fantastic for this purpose and offers tools similar to AE that run smoothly on all browsers.


I really think you hit a spot here and could build most of your RW business on this!


Slight problem. On purchase the emails arrive. Download boxtitles.dmg. Unzip and it contains Hype Titles, not Box Titles. Confused the hell out of me for several minutes…

I updated 2o minutes ago Hypetitles and by mistake I updated the DMG of the latest stack. Now solved, now you can try both, I send you BoxedTitles, sorry for the inconvenience.
…I really need a holiday :) Sent PM

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Enjoy your holiday. :)

a reminder for the Promo ,one day left!

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New UPG 1.0.1 Available:

  • Edit mode: Fixed issue in responsive UI
  • New animation timing for a smoother start
  • 2 New projects with Frameworks Foundation and Foundry with font loaded form the framework through the “external font option”

the DMG with the new projects can be downloaded from the purchase link but I will also send an email.

If you like BoxedTitles, please consider to leave a Like or even a short review over at the RW Community page

thanks again to everyone!

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New UPG 1.0.2 Available:

  • Edit mode: Fixed issue in responsive UI
  • 3 New projects with Frameworks Platform, UIkit and Source with font loaded form the framework through the “external font” option.

the DMG with the new projects can be downloaded from the purchase link but I will also send an email.

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New UPG 1.0.3 Available:


New UPG 1.0.4 Available:

  • Fixed issue in built-in fonts
  • Updated Hype Animation
  • New examples in demo project



New UPG 1.0.5 Available:

  • Updated Hype Animation
  • Optimized CSS code
  • New examples in demo project

stack_boxedtitles__preview_B stack_boxedtitles__preview_A

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New UPG 1.0.6 Available:

  • Fixed issue in Javascript if uses with other Hype stacks
  • 2 new examples in demo project


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What’s the best way to get all the updated demo(s) on these stacks?

Hi Kip, through the update emails or with the link of your purchase. If not you have received the email send me a PM

New UPG 1.0.7 Available:

  • Solved issue in Javascript if uses with other Hype stacks
  • Updated Animation Core
  • 2 new examples in demo project



New UPG 1.0.8 Available:

  • Updated HypePro® Animation Core to latest version
  • Increased Performances
  • Updated Clip-Path JS library
  • Code optimized
  • 2 new examples in demo project




New UPG 1.0.9 Available:

  • Optimized User Interface in “Edit mode”
  • Optimized CSS code
  • Significant increase in loading speed in “Preview mode” & “Edit mode”
  • New examples in demo project


Here a BoxedTitles coupon for all RW4All guys, 20%off


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