Supplying login details for clients

When supplying clients with login details for email etc, I don’t think it’s a good idea to send them by email, especially in the age of GDPR. WhatsApp is an option but not everybody uses it. Is there a secure, cross platform method of communicating account details that would be easy for clients to manage, yet simple to set up at our end?

In my experience (admittedly—very limited), Sitelok’s system of password delivery to customers through email is quite safe. Please, check it out with Vibralogix. Adrian can explain it much better than I can.

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I have just seen that you can upload files to pCloud then send clients a password protected link. The password could be something verbally agreed with the client in advance and then delete the file from pCloud after they have received it. I’ll test this, but it would seem to achieve the aim efficiently and at no cost. There may well be alternatives as well.

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If you allocate a random password when you create the account and use the email user on save option you can still include the password in the email template set for that. The plain text email is known at this point only as its just been entered.


In the email you should mention that they can login and change that password as needed. Just make sure that any other emails (such as the one sent out by the update profile form) don’t show the password.

Adrian is now a member here- if you have specific questions, you can tag him at @vibralogix His customer-care is legendary.

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That is an option I suppose, but in general I find clients are not good with this sort of thing, so letting them loose in cPanel or anywhere with other options could be risky. Quite a few seem to have WhatsApp, so this is really just for the few cases where they don’t. Very often I find myself setting up the account for them in person.

An entirely different subject, but I find the single biggest drain on my time is dealing with client emails. At the moment I have a dozen jobs either in progress or due to start soon and the hours spent answering questions etc is just insane.

Last week I bumped into the owner of a local business where they produce signs for various purposes and you can see they are busy with a constant buzz of activity there. I asked him about the emails and his shoulders just slumped as he relayed the nightmare of dealing with up to 80 emails a day for a small family business. I see a lot of pressure now to include livechat for businesses on websites and wonder if any of us would actually get something done.