When using the foundation grid and the lightGallery lightbox with Gallery 3, the title overlays the image at the bottom when viewing the slideshow. Is there any way the avoid this?
A screenshot would help, but guessing some top & bottom margin values for Gallery 3 & / or Title would solve the issue?
Will check tomorrow!
I see. The library used is build in the way that this caption must be hovering above the image.
Changing this via CSS will corrupt the whole thing. Sorry about this š
Thanks for quick response. Does it work that way for all the lightboxes?
Check out https://gallerydemo.instacks.com/ for an overview.
This is not what I expected - all Lightbox galleries work like this, even the ones used by national newspapers for news stories on their websites.
My suggestion is that it will not offend your customers as it is normal, hence the partial opacity of the background behind the text. From memory, some of the light boxes allow captions to auto hide / appear.