Anyone know a way to make Grid Iron background transparent? You can select colours for the cells and add varying degrees of transparency, but there is always a white background behind. What I meant is for the data text to sit on top of a patterned background.
Try reducing the opacity on the backgorund fill setting to zero.
Hi @Manofdogs if the @fg8 proposal doesn’t work for you, could you provide a picture of the issue,I have trouble imagining the problem.
Hi - the generic background setting for the stack has no effect and is not designed to. You can set the colour for the header and for the rows (including alternate rows). However, changing the opacity of these is only against a white background so 0% opacity = white.
The use case is a pricing table for a mobile bar service. Originally the client’s designer laid out all the prices very nicely in a PDF using brand font colours against a blurred background image of a bar. Whilst this looks nice on desktop, a PDF is far from ideal as not mobile friendly and is a major job to edit (compared to a CSV).
Grid Iron is great, but the one thing it doesn’t seem to support is a transparent background.
Hi @Manofdogs
You could try to “target” grid iron class (you’ll have to find it, I put .grid-iron-table but I don’t know if it’s its name) with this snippet:
.grid-iron-table {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); /* Replace '255, 255, 255' with your desired color */
Add !important if needed. Not sure it works I don’t have this stack. 🤞
Thanks Bruno - I’ll give it a go. Sure I can find the class somewhere :)
Another cheap stack I have used in the past that allows turning off the background is Zebra Tables. You can check it our here: ZebraTables Stack for RapidWeaver Stacks Addon
Unfortunately it doesn’t import from a CSV file and best for info that doesn’t need much editing.