I am making a website and setting up two different nav options, one for mobile and tablet and one for desktop. when I choose the settings to hide the nabber on large and medium devices on the uikit navbar, it won’t show up on mobile or tablet. I also tried the visibility stack with the touch and no touch hide options, however, when I select hide on devices with no touch, it doesn’t show up in the device simulator. I am using an m1 Mac which could be causing some bugs and I assume that the device simulator doesn’t emulate a touchscreen hence why hiding a stack on devices with no touch would cause me to not see it in the device simulator. any help on how to fix this is much appreciated.
Can you fire up a screenshot or share your project?
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I prefer using UIkit-3 classes directly on the stack, works very neat. Examples:
will hide the stack on devices of width 640px and larger.
will make the stack visible on devices of width 640px and larger.
More on these classes on the official docs: https://getuikit.com/docs/visibility
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