Hej When I try to reflect all the WP posts, by putting the url of the WP site, I am getting an " Oops! That page can’t be found." generated by the WP site. I have made sure that the url are the same as the WP url as you have described in the instructions. So how would I find the slug for all the posts?
Kind Regards
Ps also I am having problems disabling the Header and Footers in existing pages in WP. I cant really find an option to do this in existing pages.
Anyway I got the header and footer removed now. I am still not able to find the slug for all the posts. If I just use the url it comes up with an error? which is really strange, since I do exactly as prescribed…
I’m glad to hear that you figured out the header/footer issue in the WP theme.
When using the Wordpress stack, the following must be true:
protocol://hostname:port/… all must match.
So if you set your site domain is: https://example.com, then your Wordpress has to be set to the same domain and protocol. If for example, your Wordpress is set to https://www.example.com it will not work, as it breaks the rule above, to work the wordpress domain must also be https://example.com.
Check the Wordpress dashboard settings to insure that the domain of wordpress matches you site domain.
If you still have problems please send me a snippet of your project and a screenshot of your WP domain settings in the dashboard.
I am not sure that I understand protocol://hostname:port/. Is this a setting in WP? I have made sure that the URL is https://mysite.org/ in both WP and in the stack. So I am lost as to what exactly is going wrong.
Ok I understand protocol now. That is exactly what I have done correct. It might be a setting of the posts themselves. How do i for examble put the url for a particular catagory of posts? Is it only the catagory? or should it be like https://example.com and then the category after https://example.com/catagory ?
Wordpress folder: my-wp
Type set to: Category
Slug: the slug of the category
You you can sent screen shots of your Wordpress domain settings, the Web address in RW and of your WP stack, I may have a better image of what’s going on.
Hej Thank you for taking time in looking into this. It seems the WP installation is in the root, so it is not in any folder. Anyway, I ticked the wordpress folder, and left it empty. And now it is showing, do not know why this is. But I am happy :-)
Hej Ricardo, I will definitely need you to look at the site, because I run in to the exact same problem on another page. I do not have any more time today, so I will send you the information you need as soon as possible. Thanks again for the incredible support you are giving.