Wall Stack and Foundry WORKING

I’m not sure what the issue is here, so I’m looking for guidance. Heres what I’ve done so far:

Been into the Dev sites for the social feeds I want to use, and created app, as per the guidance in the notes that come with the Wall stack. Although the dev sites have changed I “think” I have the apps right, and have the tokens, codes etc.

Created a sub page on a Foundry site (my own one). Made sure I described the sub page as required.

Nothing fed through. :-(

So, took the example page, and placed my handles into the feeds. They worked fine on the example. Could use search words for the Twitter feed and everything.

To check to see whether my tokens I’d created were the issue. I took the wall from the example provided, with my handles, and created a new top level page in RW 8 literally just taking working test version using the test keys and my handles in the Foundry site.

It stopped feeding!


Heres the website, and I’ve left the social feed broken if anyone wants to look:

I should say the Social Feed is in the menu for the Home section

On https://www.cheetahworld.com/index.html, only the following stacks are installed.

I don’t see the Wall Stack there.

	<meta class="stacks3 stack version" id="com.elixir.stacks.foundryColumns" name="Columns" content="">
	<meta class="stacks3 stack version" id="com.elixir.stacks.foundryBackgroundSliderImg" name="Image" content="1.3.3">
	<meta class="stacks3 stack version" id="com.elixir.stacks.foundryLinkedListItem" name="Item" content="">
	<meta class="stacks3 stack version" id="com.elixir.stacks.foundryButtonGroup" name="Button Group" content="">
	<meta class="stacks3 stack version" id="com.elixir.stacks.foundry" name="Foundry" content="">
	<meta class="stacks3 stack version" id="com.elixir.stacks.foundryBanner" name="Banner" content="">
	<meta class="stacks3 stack version" id="com.elixir.stacks.foundryParagraph" name="Paragraph" content="">
	<meta class="stacks3 stack version" id="com.elixir.stacks.foundryDivider" name="Divider" content="">
	<meta class="stacks3 stack version" id="com.elixir.stacks.foundryButton" name="Button" content="">
	<meta class="stacks3 stack version" id="com.elixir.stacks.foundryMotion" name="Motion" content="1.3.3">
	<meta class="stacks3 stack version" id="com.elixir.stacks.foundryCardDivider" name="Card Divider" content="">
	<meta class="stacks3 stack version" id="com.elixir.stacks.foundryCardTitle" name="Card Title" content="">
	<meta class="stacks3 stack version" id="com.elixir.stacks.foundryCardSlice" name="Card Slice" content="">
	<meta class="stacks3 stack version" id="com.elixir.stacks.foundryHeader" name="Header" content="">
	<meta class="stacks3 stack version" id="com.elixir.stacks.foundryCard" name="Card" content="">
	<meta class="stacks3 stack version" id="com.elixir.stacks.foundryContainer" name="Container" content="">
	<meta class="stacks3 stack version" id="com.elixir.stacks.foundryLinkedList" name="Linked List" content="">
	<meta class="stacks3 stack version" id="com.elixir.stacks.foundryImage" name="Image" content="">
	<meta class="stacks3 stack version" id="com.elixir.stacks.foundryNavigationBar" name="Nav. Bar" content="">
	<meta class="stacks3 stack version" id="com.elixir.stacks.foundryIconFont" name="Icon Font (FA)" content="">
	<meta class="stacks3 stack version" id="com.elixir.stacks.foundryCardParagraph" name="Card Paragraph" content="">
	<meta class="stacks3 stack version" id="com.elixir.stacks.foundryButtonGroupItem" name="Button" content="">

Try here Jannis

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Yes, there is Wall available.

I see JavaScript errors in Wall Stack. @yuzoolthemes has to check that.

Thank Jannis, I’m guessing that @yuzoolthemes is still away at the moment.

Doesn’t Foundry load the JS at the bottom of the page? Wondering if that’s the issue? You could ry it with a different theme such as the blank Blankstrap (Bootstrap4) theme, just as a test.

Thank for the suggestion. I’ll try that, but I’m not keen on a complete redesign TBH!😂

The idea of using a different theme is just a temporary test to help isolate the cause of the errors.

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I know…just bringing some levity to the conversation

We are not funny here at all 😛

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Thanks @SimonPalmer - sorry for the delay

I’m back now…

It didn’t need a fix - just add the “jquery” option in the Stack and it works in Foundry - so there was never an issue I’m afraid :(