Thanks everyone, some fantastic suggestions in there. Feel free to keep them coming.
Regarding the AI/ML/DL angle I am, and have for some time, been looking into a stack or suite of stacks which would enable integration with custom applications one could create in AWS to unlock new potential for pulling in data from sources such as Elasticsearch ( static documents manageable via drop-dead simple http, or really rich search results from potentially millions of documents ). That would be incredible as a blog content assistant.
AWS Machine Learning looks like it’s releasing a lot of power to adopters. Lex would be an enabler for chatbots but imagine being able to - from the same stack suite - allow AI/chat based lookups across huge datasets to pull in options/content and even calculated html/css/javascript to have pages build on the fly depending on what was asked… kinda like partials unlimited… its a bit off, but definitely getting closer all the time. IBM Watson is also pretty sweet for chatbot integration, but its a couple of clicks away from the tightly knit AWS integration I was thinking of.
The dynamic landing pages with personalised messages and client references could be facilitated this way too; its just finding a way to channel the capabilities in a manner which is compatible with the RW and Stacks workflow sweet spot.
I’m definitely drawn to mega simple, but powerful CMS stack + IOS/Android App. Login to App (from anywhere, obviously). Select site> Select content block>Edit it>done. The difference being that the content would not actually be on your hosting plan… it could be being pulled from a document in AWS. Want to change the order that the content appears? Easy… edit another master document which is loaded first and tells all the other stacks what document(s) to pull in and place where using a twiggy kind of interpolation. Kind of like compose-able content… add cookie handling into the mix and you could serve up some really relevant, compelling dynamic content. Again, early days, but boy that would be superb for the education/game type of theatre (think Level 9 Adventure and were on the same page ;-) )
Another idea I had, but might just be cuckoo would be a Rest Api theme (blank!) and stack… allowing you to build some logic into your stack to talk to virtual back-ends ( AWS, Azure, GCP …whatever ), do some transforms/enrichment and provide an XML or JSON response. I know, I know… thats not what RW is for… but as a goofy TPOC it might be fun to play around with as long as nobody mentions performance ;-)
I’m afraid I don’t know squat about SEO, really. It’s never interested me much.
I’m loving that this forum allows us to chew on this kind of question without being squashed!