Zoom / Expand image in Poster Stack?

In the main content area of Poster 2 I sometimes need to add a few photos. Ideally I would like them to be thumbnail images that zoom on hover / click. I have tried 2 old faithful stacks : Swell from Dropbox and Image Zoom from JW but neither work in Poster. You get the finger implying it’s a link but nothing happens apart from the animation in Swell.

I get the following error with both:
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘c[0].magnificPopup=b’)

Any thoughts welcome

Why not using the inbuilt Poster lightbox?


I use the in-built Poster lightbox in the Natura project. Works well. Click into any of the projects/blog posts to see it in action.


Didn’t know it was there 😅. Still a bit new to Poster. Thanks for this - I’ll check it out!

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