Bear with me explaining this, as I might not make much sense, but this is rather cool.
If you use Poster2, and use it with templates, I’ve just discovered you can use the UIkit image and cover stack to add a header image and define it’s “cover” size.
What do I mean?
Say you are adding a blog post and have a nice image you want as the header, but it’s portrait. If you add this to the template using the regular method: HTML stack and the snippet {{{header.content}}} it’s not going to look too great on the list page., as the image is going to be very tall, like this…
But, if you put the Uikit image stack inside a cover stack, and add the snippet to the image attribute setting option, you can define the height of the image using the cover stack, so it looks like this…
I’m about to head off to look for some sort of online editor for creating/managing files, Markdown files. I’m not talking about an online MD editor, but something I can host on my own server, that users can log into, and create Markdown files, edit existing ones, etc. It’ll need a nice editor interface and some way to manage the files once created. And a way to upload/embed image files etc.
Very interesting and helpful in that I almost always change my header image in the original templates where it is allowed. And with Ulkit add-ons, which I find compatible with several themes, I too will test what other effects I can produce. So, thank you.
The whole thing looks a bit messy at this moment, I’d love to just have a working instagram feed, but that is fraught with problems right now, I’m trying to work out how best to do it - and be able to use Poster 2
I wouldn’t use these “hashtags” as you have inserted them. Because you’re actually not able to click on them to see all images “tagged” with this keyword.
Why not using the actual tags attribute in the metadata and use the {{{}}} macro in the template for having clickable links?